Optimization modeling DSS for maximum resolution topology of internet data

Sydney C.K. Chu, S. S. Lam, James K. Ho

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


We construct a topologically driven optimization model that has been built into its DSS implementation for the intriguing question of what "shape" a set of given internet (market or otherwise) data is in. Our modeling/DSS tool bases on operational multi-attribute data from sources such as eBay.com to visualize the dimensions of the data records and to determine maximally the resolution of sometimes subtle existence of dichotomy (or market efficiency), in the context of a highly user friendly DSS tool.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Event2006 IIE Annual Conference and Exposition - Orlando, FL, United States
Duration: 20 May 200624 May 2006


Conference2006 IIE Annual Conference and Exposition
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityOrlando, FL


  • DSS
  • Internet data and analysis
  • Optimization modeling
  • e-commerce


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