New Perspective to Understand and Prioritize the Ecological Impacts of Organophosphate Esters and Transformation Products in Urban Stormwater and Sewage Effluents

Jia Yong Lao, Shaopeng Xu, Kai Zhang, Huiju Lin, Yaru Cao, Rongben Wu, Danyang Tao, Yuefei Ruan, Kenneth Mei Yee Leung, Paul K.S. Lam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Citations (Scopus)


Due to their prevalence in urban contaminated water, the driving factors of organophosphate esters (OPEs) need to be well examined, and their related ecological impacts should include that of their transformation products (TPs). Additionally, a robust framework needs to be developed to integrate multiple variables related to ecological impacts for improving the ecological health assessment. Therefore, OPEs and TPs in urban stormwater and wastewater in Hong Kong were analyzed to fill these gaps. The results revealed that the total concentrations of OPEs in stormwater were positively correlated with the area of transportation land. Individual TP concentrations and the mass ratios of individual TPs/OPEs were somewhat higher in sewage effluents than that in stormwater. OPEs generally showed relatively higher risk quotients than TPs; however, the total risk quotients increased by approximately 38% when TPs were factored in. Moreover, the molecular docking results suggested that the investigated TPs might cause similar endocrine disruption in marine organisms as their parent OPEs. This study employed the Toxicological-Priority-Index scheme to successfully integrate the ecological risks and endocrine-disrupting effects to refine the ecological health assessment of the exposure to OPEs and their TPs, which can better inform the authority on the prioritization for regulating these contaminants of emerging concern in urban built environments.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11656-11665
Number of pages10
JournalEnvironmental Science and Technology
Issue number31
Publication statusPublished - 8 Aug 2023


  • endocrine disruption effect
  • priority screening
  • sewage effluent
  • stormwater
  • transformation product


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