Mapping and characterization of mangrove plant communities in Hong Kong

N. F.Y. Tam, Y. S. Wong, C. Y. Lu, R. Berry

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

41 Citations (Scopus)


Ecological surveys were carried out to investigate the distribution and characterization of remaining mangrove stands in Hong Kong. The field studies indicate that 43 mangrove stands, excluding Mai Po Nature Reserve, still remained along the coastline of Hong Kong despite tremendous reclamation and development which occurred in the past 40 years. Most mangrove stands were found in Deep Bay (western part) and Sai Kung District (eastern coasts). The total areas occupied by these mangrove stands were 178 ha, varying from a very small stand (with 1-2 mangrove shrubs) to fairly extensive mangroves in Deep Bay (> 10 ha). It appeared that mangrove stands located in Deep Bay area were larger than those in the eastern coasts. Twenty plant species were identified from these stands, with 13 being exclusive or associate mangrove species. The major constituent species were Kandelia candel, Aegiceras corniculatum, Excoecaria agallocha and Avicennia marina. Rare species such as Heritiera littoralis were only found in a few mangrove stands. Out of the 43 remaining mangrove stands, 23 were more worthwhile for conservation and their plant community structures were further investigated by transect and quadrat analyses. The importance values (sum of relative abundance, frequency and dominance) show that K. candel was the most dominant species. Species richness and Simpson's indices together with tree height, tree density and canopy area fluctuated significantly between mangrove stands. These values were used to prioritize the conservation potential of the remaining mangrove stands in Hong Kong.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)25-37
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 1997
Externally publishedYes


  • Characteristics
  • Hong Kong
  • Mangrove
  • Mapping
  • Plant community


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