Highly sensitive and cost-effective portable sensor for early gastric carcinoma diagnosis

Saw Lin Oo, Shishir Venkatesh, Vaithinathan Karthikeyan, Clement Manohar Arava, Spoorthy Pathikonda, Peter K.N. Yu, Terrence C.K. Lau, Xianfeng Chen, Vellaisamy A.L. Roy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Facile and efficient early detection of cancer is a major challenge in healthcare. Herein we developed a novel sensor made from a polycarbonate (PC) membrane with nanopores, followed by sequence-specific Oligo RNA modification for early gastric carcinoma diagnosis. In this design, the gastric cancer antigen CA72-4 is specifically conjugated to the Oligo RNA, thereby inhibiting the electrical current through the PC membrane in a concentration-dependent manner. The device can determine the concentration of cancer antigen CA72-4 in the range from 4 to 14 U/mL, possessing a sensitivity of 7.029 µAU−1 mLcm−2 with a linear regression (R2) of 0.965 and a lower detection limit of 4 U/mL. This device has integrated advantages including high specificity and sensitivity and being simple, portable, and cost effective, which collectively enables a giant leap for cancer screening technologies towards clinical use. This is the first report to use RNA aptamers to detect CA72-4 for gastric carcinoma diagnosis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2639
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Cancer antigen
  • Cancer early detection
  • Electrical current sensor
  • Oligo RNA
  • Polycarbonate membrane


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