Development and Implementation of an Interactive Online Survey: Examining Hong Kong Parents’ Values and Practices in Cultivating Children’s National Identities

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Culturing Chinese national identity among Hong Kong residents has become a significant concern since the city’s sovereignty was returned to China in 1997. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government is actively engaged in educational reforms to cultivate an early understanding of Chinese national identity. At the same time, it encourages non-Chinese-speaking (NCS) families to enroll their children in Chinese-medium instruction kindergartens. This study focuses on the development and implementation of an interactive, self-administered online survey aimed at exploring the values and practices of Hong Kong parents in terms of national identity development, with a particular emphasis on variations related to kindergarten types, ethnic backgrounds, and socio-economic statuses. The survey development was informed by a multiple case study involving parents from eight purposively selected kindergartens. The findings of this preliminary study provided the framework upon which the interactive questionnaire was built. This presentation highlights the design and development process of the survey instrument, as well as the planned procedures for data collection and analysis. By examining the commonalities and distinctions in the values and practices of parents, this study seeks to uncover insights into the factors that contribute to these trends. The outcomes of this research will contribute to a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in shaping a cohesive national identity among Hong Kong residents. This research project has received funding from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (UGC/FDS16/H17/21).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Feb 2024
EventThe 4th Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2024) - Chiang Mai, Thailand
Duration: 15 Feb 202419 Feb 2024


ConferenceThe 4th Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2024)
CityChiang Mai
Internet address


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