Bioaccumulation of nickel by various Scenedesmus species in culture solution containing nickel

Zhang Li Hu, Yuk Shan Wong, Fung Yee Tam

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Sixteen Scenedesmus species or strains have been employed to investigate the maximum capacity of nickel (Ni) accumulation in 10 mg/L Ni solution. The results showed that the capacity of accumulating Ni from aqueous solution in 16 Scenedesmus species or strains showed the diversity. S. quadricauda freshwater algae culture collection of the Institute of Hydrobiology (FACHB) 44 and S. quadricauda FACHB 506 performed much more capacity of Ni accumulation than other species such as Scenedesmus sp. FACHB 416 and Scenedesmus sp. FACHB 489. Sequestration of Ni ions from aqueous solution was very efficient (26.7 mg Ni/ g dry weight, in the 100 mg/L Ni solution) in S. quadricauda FACHB 44. The kinetics of Ni binding indicated that Ni bioaccumulation, in algal cell of S. quadricauda FACHB 44, possessed a rapid biosorption ( 5 min) and an slow bioaccumulation (2-3 h). More than 70% of Ni binding in algal cell were accumulated by biosorption and the remaining 20% - 30% were bioaccumulated by energy-consumed transportation. It is much more higher ratio of energy-consumed transportation in S. quadricauda FACHB 44 than in other algae. Both the transmission electron microscope (TEM) and the energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalyses also revealed the different mechanisms of bioaccumulation in the various subcellular regions: a very fast adsorption in the cell wall; and a time-dependent absorption in protoplasm, specially in starch and chromatin.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)978-982
Number of pages5
JournalActa Botanica Sinica
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2002
Externally publishedYes


  • Bioaccumulation
  • Nickel (Ni)
  • Scenedesmus


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