A systematic review of research on e-book-based language learning

Ruofei Zhang, Di Zou, Haoran Xie, Oliver Tat Sheung Au, Fu Lee Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

20 Citations (Scopus)


This study presents a systematic review of previous research on ebook-based language learning. E-book-based language learning has been increasingly investigated in the field of language education, whereas previous review studies of relevant literature were relatively low in volume and incomprehensive from aspects of research participants and research perspectives. In the present study, we identified 52 relevant journal articles on e-book-based language learning published in the recent decade, coding them from three dimensions: methodology, e-book devices and features, and research issues and findings. The results indicated that: (a) most studies on e-book-based language learning were of a large sample size and one-session investigation; (b) pre-school children and university students were the most frequently investigated sample groups; (c) computers and tablets were the most frequently used devices; (d) multimedia, feedback giving, gamification and personalisation were the four features most frequently applied in enhancing the efficiency of e-book-based language learning; (e) researchers collected and processed data mainly through pre- and post-tests and group comparisons; (f) learning outcomes, learning behaviours and learners’ psychological states were investigated in most studies, whereby the findings indicated overall positive effects of e-book on language learning.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)106-128
Number of pages23
JournalKnowledge Management and E-Learning
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2020


  • E-book
  • Language learning
  • Mobile learning
  • Review
  • Technology-assisted learning


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