達志通欲: 朝鮮漢語譯官與十七至十九世紀的中朝關係

Translated title of the contribution: Communicating Likings and Needs: Chinese interpreters of Chosŏn and Sino-Chosŏn relations, 1600-1900

Lok Yin LAW

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


This research attempts to investigate the importance of Chinese interpreters of Chosŏn in the China-Chosŏn cultural relations from 1700 to 1900. Arguing those interpreters as intermediaries, this study looks at their responsibilities for negotiating tributary rituals and border disputes with the Chinese Court, learning new knowledge of the outside world, and bridging relations with Chinese officers and academe by utilizing their Chinese communication skills and literatures. Not only were these duties enrich and enlighten the Chosŏn Court and intellectuals, they were also representing Chosŏn cultures and rituals. Put in this light, this article is to begin with analyzing both Ming/Qing China and Chosŏn intellectuals’ writings and official records. Thereafter the focus would be to examine the Chosŏn interpreters’ significance in China-Chosŏn cultural relations and bringing modernized values into their territory. This would bring in the argument that the Chosŏn interpreters’ efforts were essential to the China-Chosŏn tributary relations during the period discussed as well as identifying the thought of “East Asian World Network”.
Translated title of the contributionCommunicating Likings and Needs: Chinese interpreters of Chosŏn and Sino-Chosŏn relations, 1600-1900
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Place of PublicationNew Taipei City
Number of pages410
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2022


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