Prof. Fred Lee obtained his BSc (Hons) and PhD from, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2003 and 2007 respectively. He worked as a Post-doctoral fellow at the same Department in 2008 before he joined OUHK as a Lecturer in 2009.
Research Grants (In the Past 5 years)
- PI, Modulation of Ichthyotoxicity of Karenia mikimotoi by Two Associated Alteromonas oceani Isolates (R2 and Y8) and Algal-bacterial Molecular Interaction Under Effects of Different Biotic and Abiotic Factors (2023), FDS (RGC), HKD$ 1,390,400
- PI, Training Citizen Scientist to Study Seasonal Dynamics of Phytoplankton and Its Relationship With Coastal Water Quality of Non-gazetted Beach in Western and Southern parts of Hong Kong (2022), Marine Conservation Enhancement Fund (MCEF), HKD$ 1,514,430
- PI, Community Structure and Metaproteomics of Microorganism Assemblages Collected from Pneumatophores of Avicennia marina in mangrove Ecosystem (2022), FDS (RGC), HKD$ 1,321,400
- PI, Set-up of the Metropolitan Algal Repository and Supply (MARS): for conservation, research and commercial development in coastal environment of Greater Bay Area (GBA) (2022), Research Impact Fund (HKMU), HKD$ 999,948
- PI, Strengthen the capability and capacity for cutting-edge coastal wetland research (2021), Research Matching Grant (HKMU), HKD$ 3,110,205
- PI, Mechanism Underlying Algicidal Activity of P4, a Novel Bacterium Isolated from an Algal Bloom in Hong Kong, against Ichthyotoxic Dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi (2021), FDS (RGC), HKD$ 894,800
- PI (Project Leader), University Research Facilities for Basic and Applied Coastal Wetland Research in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (2020), IDS RIG (RGC), HKD$ 9,302,438
- PI, Investigation on the biodiversity, abundance and association of epiphytic microalgae on pneumatophores of mangrove and their molecular responses to different environmental variation (2020), Research & Development Fund (HKMU), HKD$ 150,000
- PI, Molecular Responses of Fish Gills Experimentally Exposed to Ichthyotoxic Dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi (2019), FDS (RGC), HKD$ 699,523
- PI, Establishment of Algal Culture Collection Library from Mangrove Wetland Ecosystems in China: Relationships between Microalgal Biodiversity and Water Quality, Research & Development Fund (HKMU), HKD$ 546,180
- Co-I, Rapid and Easy Discrimination and Authentication of Different Chinese Medicinal Granules Powders by Spectroscopic Fingerprinting Analysis (2018), Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust Research and Publication Fund, HKD$ 99,675
- Co-I, Preliminary Investigation in the Prevalence of Antibiotics Resistant Bacteria in Vegetables (Phase I) (2018), Research & Development Fund (HKMU), HKD$ 100,000
Other Grants (In the Past 5 years)
- PI, Workshops on Applying Science Process Skills and Technology on STEM Education for Teachers of Primary Schools (2021), EDB, HKD$ 1,395,000
- Team member, Industrial Attachment Project for Science and Technology Students (2021), EDB, HKD$ 9,304,000
- Leader, Production of Learning and Teaching Resource Package on Practical Activities related to Biotechnology and Microbiology cum Training Programmes, EDB, HKD$ 1,299,983
- PI, Workshops on Applying Science Process Skills on STEM Education in the 2019/20 School Year for Teachers of Primary Schools, EDB, HKD$ 328,000
Organizing Seminar/Conference
- Chairman of the organizing committee, International Conference on Green Materials Manufacturing and Testing 2022, 22 July 2022
- Chairman of the organizing committee, Seminar on Coastal Wetland Research and Management, 3 September 2021
- Vice Chairman of the organizing committee, The 1st Annual Scientific Conference of the IRITS, August 26-27, 2016 Hong Kong.
- Executive Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee, The 6th International Conference on the Prevention and Management of Harmful Algae Bloom in South China Sea cum The 2nd International Conference on Beneficial Uses of Algal Biomass (20 Nov 2015 – 23 Nov 2015).
- Co-organized with Bio-gene Ltd to hold a professional seminar in OUHK: Methodology and Technology in Microbiology Testing (11 Feb 2015).
- Technical Program Chair of the Organizing Committee, Testing and Certification Conference 2014 - Global Opportunities and Challenges (12 Nov 2014 – 14 Nov 2014).
- Executive Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee, The International Conference on Biodiversity and conservation of wetland in South China (27 May 2014 – 30 May 2014).
- Executive Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee, The 1st International Conference on Beneficial Uses of Algal Biomass (4 Nov 2013 – 9 Nov 2013).
- Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee, The 5th International Conference on the Prevention and Management of Harmful Algae Bloom in South China Sea (29 March 2012 – 1 April 2012).