Chi Chung TSANG

Research activity per year

Personal profile


Dr. Tsang received his B.A. and M.Phil degree in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He then pursued further study and obtained his PhD form Tsinghua University.  He is currently Programme Leader of the Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Chinese(Full Time). His research focus is classical Chinese literature, especially in Ci poetry and literary theory.

Research interests

  • Classical Chinese Literature, Classical Chinese Literary Criticism, Ci poetry Studies


BA [CUHK], MPhil [CUHK], PhD [Tsinghua]


PI, Study of Ci Annotation in Republican China (1911-1949) / 民國時期(1911-1949)詞籍注釋研究, HKD $ 310,020, Research Grants Council Faculty Development Scheme (Ref no. UGC/FDS16/H18/19)

PI,  Quantitative Research on the Relationship between Tonal Prosody and Lyricism of Liu Yong’s Long Song of Ci Poetry, HKD $127,350 , University R&D funding (ref. no. RD/2022/1.15)


  • 作者,《文匯報》「中文視野」、「都會與我」;《信報》「老師陣地」等
  • 演講嘉賓,香港中文大學伍宜孫書院「語文文化桌:花間詞中的『嚴妝』與『淡妝』」
  • 準決賽評判,香港中文大學「八角辯論賽」
  • 評審,香港浸會大學嘉漢林業珠三角環境應用研究中心「 大專生環保辯論盃 --廢物關你事 」 辯論比賽


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