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The publication of 《視覺、性別與權力:從劉吶鷗、穆時英到張愛玲的小說想像》
LEUNG, M. L. R. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts
The Vital Role of Early Childhood Education in Fostering Cross-cultural Understanding
WONG, J. M. S. (Participant)
Impact: Social impacts
File -
LEUNG, M. L. R. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts, Cultural impacts
禾素:〈卓絕貢獻 橫跨三地──梁慕靈:「張愛玲現象」宋淇貢獻最大〉,《明報》2024年11月28日,C8和C9。
LEUNG, M. L. R. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts
羅文華:〈文學月會 薪火相傳〉,〈大公文匯‧香港仔〉,2024年5月22日,P15。
LEUNG, M. L. R. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts, Social impacts
LEUNG, M. L. R. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts, Social impacts
LEUNG, M. L. R. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts
LEUNG, M. L. R. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts, Social impacts
LEUNG, M. L. R. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts, Social impacts